Strength of faith and clarity of mind amidst “the din of war, the shrieks of hatred” – Rabindranath Tagore

The lumbering structure of modern progress, riveted by the iron bolts of efficiency […] will fall in a heap of ruin and cause serious obstruction to the traffic of the world. Do we not see of this even now? [1917] Does not the voice come to us through the din of war, the shrieks of …

True happiness according to Rabindranath Tagore

“True happiness is not at all expensive. It depends upon that natural spring of beauty and of life, harmony of relationship. Ambition pursues its own path of self-seeking by breaking this bond of harmony, digging gaps, creating dissension. Selfish ambition feels no hesitation in trampling under foot the whole harvest field, which is for all, …

Tagore’s devotion to the ideal of a world without cruel, irrational discrimination – Unesco

Rabindranath Tagore: a universal voice Rabindranath Tagore, philosopher, educator, novelist, poet and painter, is without challenge one of the greatest and most noble figures of modern times. Not only was he awarded the rare honour of the Nobel Prize for Literature, but he also won the distinction far more rare, less spectacular but much more …