
The ability of finding joy in the joy of others – voilà: the secret of happiness – Georges Bernanos 1Remember your humanity, and forget the rest – Bertrand Russell 2 “Ours is a society in which, through its tyrannical standard of respectability, all the members are goading each other to spoil themselves to the utmost limit …

Slideshow | India Inspiration – Tropenmuseum Amsterdam

This exhibition at the Tropenmuseum (today’s Wereldmuseum Amsterdam) featured two strands of shared memories: one celebrating the sources of inspiration shared by Indian and Western artists; and the other honouring migrants from India via Suriname. Visitors experienced both strands as being intertwined by means of songs and memorabilia including historical photographs, video clips and historical …

De bamboe dwarsfluit

Tekst: Ludwig Pesch Mythes, afbeeldingen en een uit de Indiase oudheid overgeleverde verhandeling over het muziektheater geven een indruk hoe geliefd de fluit was. Zo weten we dat ze al lang als een volwaardig muziekinstrument werd ingezet. Naar gelang de streek wordt ze anders aangeduid, bijvoorbeeld als kuzhal in het Tamil (spreek uit als “kulal” of “kural”); …

“A defining period in Montessori’s outlook”: Letters from India

Maria Montessori Writes to Her Grandchildren In October 1939, while the “storm of war was gathering in Europe”, Maria and Mario Montessori set off to India to deliver a training course and lecture tour. When Italy became involved in the war, the British rule of India did not give the Montessoris permission to leave; they …

Indian music in intercultural education – ISME Glasgow

Whatever we understand and enjoy in human products instantly becomes ours, wherever they might have their origin – Rabindranath Tagore* During this presentation, musical figures from several distinct traditions were explored in a practice-oriented manner. The figures selected are appealing beyond South Asia where they originated many centuries ago and continue to play a key role in classical and …