On the responsibility to share one’s legacy: “My music is never isolated” – Aruna Sairam

The Sangita Kalanidhi is a happy validation of Sairam’s life and struggles, but “it also entails an important responsibility — to record, document, and share,” she points out.

This year’s Sangita Kalanidhi awardee says the freedom to create helped her channel her life into art | Read the full interview (The Hindu, 5 October 2018) >>

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Exploring a wealth of rhythmic and melodic motifs: Interactive music session for and with Montessori teachers – Zurich

At the invitation of Christine Urand (Director, Rietberg Montessori School) Ludwig Pesch took the full assembly of teachers on a musical journey across South India: exploring a wealth of rhythmic and melodic motifs suitable for young learners while enabling parents, teachers and care-givers to enjoy music making themselves (even as “lay people”, musically speaking).

This event was also an occasion to explore and discuss the scope for actively participating in an intercultural dialogue, something the presenter has long been known for, while paying homage to Maria Montessori; 1 both as contributor to ISME World Conferences and in association with educational and cultural institutions across the entire spectrum: teacher training, kindergarten, schools, rehabilitation just as staff integration programmes; conservatoria and universities in several countries; and creative projects developed in association with the Goethe Institute and exhibition makers at internationally renowned museums.

Date: 1 March 2018. Events on similar lines have been developed in conjunction with Museum Rietberg (Zurich) on the occasion of exhibitions of rare Indian art (in collaboration with art education staff).

Deutsch: Eine musikalische Reise für alle >>

  1. From 1939 until 1947 Dr. Maria Montessori worked closely with Rukmini Devi, founder of Kalakshetra (est. in 1936 in Adyar/Madras, now part of Chennai) These pioneering efforts remain as relevant today as in the early 20th century[]

Tyagaraja celebration at Gandhi Centre The Hague

In true music there is no place for communal differences and hostility. True music is created only when life is attuned to a single tune and a single time beat. Music is born only where the strings of the heart are not out of tune.

Mahatma Gandhi – A unique musician” by Namrata Mishra >>
Lighting of the lamp by H.E. Mr. Venu Rajamony, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Carnatic flute recital by Usha Ramesh & Ludwig Pesch accompanied by Mieke Beumer (bamboo tambura)

Contribution to the world conference of the International Society for Music Education in Glasgow – ISME 2016

“Yours figuratively: Indian music in intercultural education”

  • Date: Thursday 28th July 2016 (17:15 – 18:15)
  • Venue: AGOS Studio
  • Paper Number: 704.00 | Submission Category: Demonstration/Workshop
  • Special Interest Group (SIG): Practice & Research in Integrated Music Education
  • For more details, kindly check the  isme2016glasgow.org website during the conference  (24-29 July 2016)


Music counts among the proverbial “64 arts and skills” of ancient India where it became synonymous with “leading a fulfilled life”. Thus, having evolved along with other pursuits, Indian music is an interdisciplinary concept that connects people irrespective of age and cultural background. It is in this context that we explore the world of musical figures: figures that convey subtle meaning while symbolizing the very joy of participating in music making of a high order.  Rather than borrowing sounds from a supposedly exotic culture, we apply the building blocks of Indian music for several good reasons: for their accessibility in the context of intercultural education and, of course, for their intrinsic value and beauty.

Learners tap into the mind-boggling world of India’s musical ideas. Tiny musical figures are adapted in a manner that has stood the test of time. While being fun on first hearing they also lend themselves to being visualized and analyzed for non-musical purposes.

This teaching method lends itself to classroom and lifelong learning across the entire social spectrum: it adds colour to other school subjects like maths, languages, geography or physical fitness; and requiring no more than voices, hands and open-mindedness, it kindles communication where there is a lack of time and resources, or even a common language. Figuratively yours, ours truly!

Ludwig Pesch studied at Freiburg University from where he went to India in order to be trained and perform as bamboo flautist. Since then he develops intercultural activities that suit the needs of children, music students and teachers; and also for museum education (e.g. family programmes for Museum Rietberg Zurich in conjunction with Indian art exhibitions).

He authored The Oxford Illustrated Companion to South Indian Classical Music and among other writings, contributed to the journal of the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (Goettingen University “Music | Musics. Structures and Processes“) and to Integrated Music Education. Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Training by M. Cslovjecsek and M. Zulauf, forthcoming). Among his research projects are “Sam, Reflection, Gathering Together!” (Bern University of the Arts in collaboration with Natanakairali, Research and Performing Center for Traditional Arts in Kerala). His ideas on collaborative work are summarized by the acronym AIUME for “Adapting Indian Universals in Music Education”. (www.aiume.org)

Find publications by Ludwig Pesch on worldcat.org >> >>

Bambusquerflöte & Tambura (Konzert mit Workshop) – Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft

Ludwig Pesch (Bambusquerflöte) & Arnulf Merckens (Tambura)

Datum: Di 8. April 2014 (19:00)

Ort: Kulturzentrum KoKi (Pumpe) Raum 1, Haßstraße 22, 24103 Kiel – Anfahrt

Veranstalter: Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft Kiel e.V. – digkiel@googlemail.com

Die Musiker


Ludwig Pesch (1955) spezialisierte sich auf die südindische Bambusquerflöte, als er am  Kalakshetra College bei Ramachandra Shastry (1906-92) studierte. Gemeinsam mit ihm konzertierte er bei zahlreichen Anlässen.

In Zusammenarbeit mit den Universitäten von Lüneburg und Würzburg entwickelte er e-Learning Angebote. Er verfasste das Handbuch The Oxford Illustrated Companion to South Indian Classical Music und gestaltet Programme, bei denen Gestaltungselemente aus der indischen Musik für den pädagogischen Alltag nutzbar gemacht werden. 

Arnulf Merckens (1952) ist ein Schüler des Sitar-Spielers Ashraf Sharif Khan aus Lahore. Von 2000 bis 2007 erlernte er zunächst das Tambura- und Tablaspielen. Ab 2003 erhielt er auch Sitar- und Urdu-Unterricht von ihm. Er hat seinen Lehrer mehrfach bei Konzerten auf der Tambura begleitet.


In ihrem einstündigen Konzert präsentieren die Musiker eine Auswahl karnatischer Ragas und Kompositionen.

Anschließend bieten sie ihren Zuhörern die Gelegenheit zum informellen Austausch. Neben Fragen zum Konzert besteht die Möglichkeit, die Tambura auch selbst zu spielen sowie rhythmische Silben und die für Talas gebräuchlichen Finger- und Handgesten auszuprobieren.

Die Teilnahme am Workshop erfordert keinerlei Vorkenntnisse und ist für alle Altersgruppen geeignet.

Flute sculpture in Somnathpur (Karnataka) – Photo © Ludwig Pesch
Flute sculpture in Somnathpur (Karnataka) – Photo © Ludwig Pesch

Karnatische Musik

Südindien ist für seine melodische Musik und mitreißenden Rhythmen bekannt. Eine Musiklehre und auch die dort gebräuchliche Art des Musizierens lassen sich bis in das Altertum zurückverfolgen. Seither haben Maler, Bildhauer und die Autoren der klassischen Tamil- und Sanskritliteraturen gerne das Musizieren mit Instrumenten dargestellt. Gesang- und Instrumentalrepertoire sind so zu einem Ganzen verschmolzen.

Eine vergleichbare Auffassung liegt dem schöpferische Mitgestalten zugrunde. Musikschaffende, Amateurmusiker wie Musikliebhaber nehmen daran auch im “Internet-Zeitalter” teil – vielleicht mehr denn je.

Artikel zur südindischen Musik und ihrer Vermittlung